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Advantage Design Group
Advantage Design Group
800.657.1338 | 904.722.8200
6877 Phillips Industrial Blvd | Jacksonville, FL 32256

Choosing Better Higher Ed Tech for Online Orientation

Fast & Affordable Online Orientation Transformation

How to Flip the Switch on Orientation Tech

Wednesday | October 23 | 1 PM ET

SAVE THE DATE to Attend this LIVE Discussion & Demonstration

The struggle to find the best-fit technology to deliver more engaging online orientation experiences for students and their families is real! Moreover, switching from an existing system to a better solution can be overwhelming – compare costs, evaluate functionality, design content – all while building consensus with your team. Making higher ed tech decisions doesn’t have to be so hard.

If you’ve been waiting for a reason to finally transform your new student experience with an online orientation solution that is more affordable and quickly implemented, this webinar is for you!

The ease of being able to create and upload content that looks professional so students can recognize they are attending a university that’s going to take care of them is the thing. This is a resource that helps us prove we offer a human, authentic connection while allowing us to take an incremental approach.

Attend this Webinar

Join us for a discussion and demonstration of how you can start with your choice of Advantage Orientation® from the Universal Series.

  • Learn from the real-life experiences of your peers, why they switched, and results achieved
  • Understand the differences between standard LMS “courseware” and Advantage Orientation® digital experiences, including access to real-time data
  • Engage in the discussion and get your chat questions answered, LIVE!
  • Walk away with an online orientation improvement rationale for campus decision-makers

Better yet, invite your campus decision-makers to join you!