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Celebrate Online Orientation Success at NODAC 24

Get Ready to Gather, Engage, and Celebrate Genuine Connections

Genuine Connections begin with Online Orientation

Annual NODA Conference | November 11-14 | Hilton Portland Downtown

Celebrate Online Orientation Success at NODAC 24

Through our shared mission to engage, welcome, and prepare new students and families for college success, we are grateful for the opportunity to provide the best online and virtual orientation solutions. It’s not just about filling the information gap; it’s about creating effective digital experiences bridging essential life transitions. Each partnership sparks innovation and creativity to show authentic stories and foster genuine connections.

Now more than ever, we remain committed to delivering transformative experiences that build communities by empowering the journey to college and beyond.

Conference Highlights

Conversation with Dr. Amber Williams

Keynote Presentation

Tuesday, November 12, 9:30 a.m.

Attend this Educational Session

Real Talk: Creating Digital Foundations to Elevate College Transitions

Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 10:45 a.m.

Logan Adams, Presenterfeaturing
Logan Adams
Director, Orientation and New Student Services
The University of Arizona

When you position online orientation as a digital resource, your college transition program becomes anything but impersonal. Learn how to scaffold your onboarding process to enhance the student experience, boost core competency retention, and spark connections online. Join this discussion highlighting digital strategies for creating a more genuine experience through personalization, multi-language content, UX design, video, and data analysis to demonstrate effectiveness and knowledge retention. 

Digital strategies, when implemented holistically, balance both creativity and technology. Human touchpoints and technological interactions can support a student’s discovery and decision milestones along their journey. By providing an asynchronous online orientation as a foundational learning experience, knowledge is gained over time, confidence grows, and enrollment decisions are solidified.

The presentation aims to provide strategies for utilizing digital experiences to enhance the transition to college for both students and their families. These digital experiences can better scaffold key transition programs at your institution to ensure students see, hear, and complete actions at the right time in their journey.

Meet Us in the Exhibit Hall at Booth 104

Join over 120 NODA-affiliated Partner Institutions empowering the journey to college with digital experience platforms to welcome new students and their families. Tailored to your budget and timeline, choose online orientation software from video-rich, content-ready options available in English and Spanish to fully customized solutions; always personalized, responsive, interactive, and on brand. Every platform includes access to real-time data, robust analytic tools, and unlimited live support and training.

Do more with less effort! Ask about...

Advantage OnDemandTM where you can subscribe to over 100 video titles covering essential orientation topics.

Title IX learning module will help you save time and money and easily meet compliance requirements as your students gain the information they need when they need it the most! 

Celebrate with Us!

Our membership with NODA over the years has led to amazing relationships with Orientation, Transition, and Retention professionals from coast to coast. Revisit these conference presentations and celebrate with us!