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Learn how to Implement this Enrollment Marketing Solution

Amplify Student Recruitment Strategies with Virtual Engagement Experience

More Students are Around the Bend

Big Bend Community College

As prospective students and families have become more discerning along their journey to college, Big Bend Community College is amplifying its recruiting strategies with a digital-first approach. The institution's new virtual engagement experience is at the core of its enrollment marketing plan to capture leads and cultivate more applications.

This panel discussion focuses on student recruitment and enrollment marketing. While the world of college enrollment faces uncertainty right now, this cross-departmental team is adding a digital experience platform to their recruiting toolbox to amp up engagement, expand recruiting capacity, and win more students.

For my department, we're registrars, so we're very black and white. We love rules and structure, so we tend to talk to people that way. Our website is very static and can be a little boring with lots of text. We're excited to have a more human, engaging, fun, and modern way to communicate with our potential students. For admissions, we have real-time data that can tell us what content our potential students are interested in, so we can target more messaging in those areas in other ways. We might assume we know what potential students are looking for, but do we really? This kind of data gives us that answer!

Starr Bernhardt, Director of Enrollment Services & Registrar

Request the Recording to

  • Learn from this collaborative, cross-departmental panel:
    • Niki Allinson, Student Resources Development Coordinator 
    • Starr Bernhardt, Director of Enrollment Services & Registrar
    • Vanessa Pruneda, Director of TRIO EOC & Outreach 
  • Tour Big Bend’s Recruiting Platform, including personalized, interactive, and video-rich content
  • Understand how real-time data can be used to nurture more potential students to apply
  • Discover how this versatile solution can expand your recruiting capacity to win more students!