Higher Education Orientation Professionals discuss impact to College Registration
How Advantage Orientation® is making a positive difference
AIMS Community College, Palm Beach State College & Utah Valley University
Higher education orientation professionals discuss impact of online orientation and college registration during the 2015 FYE Conference. Simply select the question to watch the answer from this education session where decisions, strategies and impact are discussed since launching their online orientation. Speakers include:
- Rachel Veretto, Aims Community College
- Theresa Cusimano, Palm Beach State College
- Martha Wilson, Utah Valley University
Would you tell us a little bit about your institution?
Why were you interested in getting an online orientation?
How did you decide whether to do this in-house or hire an outside company?
Once you decided to hire an outside company, how did you decide what company to hire?
Why did you want an online orientation?
Now that you have an online orientation, where does it fall in the enrollment process?
How has your in-person orientation changed now that you have an online orientation?
How does survey and participation data compare to in-person orientation attendance?
What are the benefits of implementing online orientation so far?
Do you have any final advice for your peers who may be considering an online orientation?