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Advantage Design Group
Advantage Design Group
800.657.1338 | 904.722.8200
6877 Phillips Industrial Blvd | Jacksonville, FL 32256

As Online Orientations improve Student Transitions, we are called to Support Life Transitions

Why we give to Alpha-Omega Miracle Home

There is a synchronicity between the online orientations we produce to improve student transitions and why we support organizations who help others through life transitions. This is why we give our time, talent and treasure to Alpha-Omega Miracle Home.

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Alpha-Omega Miracle Home began in St. Augustine, FL in 1997 to provide housing, counseling and education for the new faces of homelessness: single mothers, their children and senior women. As we support colleges to help students through successful transitions, so do compassionate staff of Alpha-Omega Miracle Home help women transition from poverty to a new beginning.

We're privileged to support their important work and happy to share their story of hope.

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