Did you know onboarding video with video script can improve your recruitment strategy? Of courses, there's always more to say, more to show, and more to teach new students and their families. When you leverage the power of video, you can maximize the impact of your message, attract engagement, and invite persistence to complete online orientation and take the next step to enroll.
Start by Browsing these Onboarding Video Concepts
You can take viewers on a tour or show them how to use your school’s technology. Give students more insight and inspiration. Enlist the help of student talent so new students can see themselves on campus, involved, and finding a new sense of belonging. to engage, commit and complete enrollment. Video options include the full spectrum of video production services: planning, location scouting, video script writing, filming, and post-production. Finished videos may include staff and student hosts, b-roll, music and graphics and range in length from 90 seconds to three minutes.
Browse the library of video concepts then ask us about doing the same for you!